Thursday, October 19, 2023

WAL, LSN and File Names

 PostgreSQL stores changes that is going to apply to data into the Write Ahead Logs (WALs), that usually are 16 MB each in size, even if you can configure your cluster (starting from version 11) to different sizes.
PostgreSQL knows at which part of the 16 MB file (named segment) it is by an offset that is tied to the Log Sequence Number (LSN). Let’s see those in action.
First of all, let’s get some information about the current status:

testdb=> SELECT pg_current_wal_lsn(),
          pg_walfile_name( pg_current_wal_lsn() );;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------|-------------------------
pg_current_wal_lsn | C/CE7BAD70
pg_walfile_name    | 000000010000000C000000CE
The server is currently using the WAL file named 000000010000000C000000CE. It is possible to see the relationship between the LSN, currently C/CE7BAD70 and the WAL file name as follows. The LSN is made up by three pieces: X/YYZZZZZZ where:
  • X represents the middle part of the WAL file name, one or two symbols;
  • YY represents the final part of the WAL file name;
  • ZZZZZZ are six symbols that represents the offset within the file name.
    Therefore, given the LSN C/CE7BAD70 we can assume that the middle part of the WAL file name will be C and the last part will be CE, both zero padded to 8 symbols, so respectively 0000000C and 000000CE. Concatenated togehter, they provide us with a file name that ends with 0000000C000000CE. The initial part of the filename is still missing, and that is the timeline the server is running on, in this case 1, zero padded as the other parts, so 00000001 that provides us the final name 000000010000000C000000CE.
    To summarize, the following is the correspondance between the single parts:
    LSN  ->              C  /     CE      7BAD70
    WAL  -> 00000001 0000000C 000000CE

Please consider that the above example is just to show you the concept, but it is better to use the function pg_walfile_name() to get the exact WAL file name from an LSN since WAL switch may lead to incorrect result from the LSN “manual decoding”.

The final part of the LSN is the offset within the WAL file, and it does suffice to convert it to int to get an idea:
testdb=> SELECT ( x'7BAD70' )::int AS offset;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---
offset | 8105328
You can get the same information with the special function pg_walfile_name_offset(), to which you can pass the LSN, and get the current filename and the offset in a single run:
testdb=> SELECT ( x'7BAD70' )::int AS offset_computed, pg_walfile_name_offset( 'C/CE7BAD70' );
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------|-----------------------------------
offset_computed        | 8105328
pg_walfile_name_offset | (000000010000000C000000CE,8105328)

To summarize, given a specific LSN the database is (and must be) clearly aware of the WAL file segment the LSN refers to and to the exact offset, within such file, where the data can be found.

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